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Ten Bullets

Orientation video for Tom Sachs Studio

🌱 2022-07-12

I: Work To Code: Or, Creativity is the Enemy

  • Trust the system in place
  • Inventions must happen within existing vocab
  • Stick to what has been defined for you to do

II: Sacred Space

  • Respect of the work space is essential
  • Personal items should be put on hooks are discretely stowed away
  • Do not become distracted by work of others unless instructed to do so
  • All respect should be given to a worker completing a task

III : B.O.T - Be On Time - Come Prepared and Commit yourself Entirely

  • On the clock mentality that carries to all things. Not just being punctual
  • Your present task is your highest priority. It must command your focus
  • B.O.T means you care for yourself mentally and physically so that you are well prepared for work

IV: Be Thorough

  • Thoroughness means paying attention to tasks that come before and after what you do. (Always carry pen and paper to make notes of TODOs)

V: I Understand

  • For effective execution, SAY that you understand [1]

VI: Sent does not mean Received


  • Keep a prioritized list at all times
  • Carry this list at all times
  • Your list is your future and your past

VII: Always Be Knolling

  • Scan environment, put away things you don’t need.

  • Knoll

IX: Sacrifice to Leatherface

X: Persistance

“Nothing in the world can take place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” Ray Kroc, Founder of Mc’Donalds.

  1. I read this thing in atomic-habits and it has stuck with me since. In Tokyo metro, train conductors, drivers and station staff play an important role in the safe and efficient operation of the lines; a key aspect of which is the variety of physical gestures and vocal calls that they perform while undertaking their duties. Shisa kanko, pointing-and-calling works on the principle of associating one’s tasks with physical movements and vocalizations to prevent errors. source ↩︎

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